- Total books read during this year: 45
- Total books that I started to read but didn't finish: 1
- physical books read: 43
- digital/ebooks read: 2
- physical books started but unfinished: 1
- ebooks started but unfinished: 0
- Library books read: 0
- Library books started but unfinished: 1
- Books I liked: 25
- Books I loved: 16
- Books I hated: 0
- Books I disliked or found meh: 2
- Books I felt neutral about: 0
- Books I felt strongly about but can't classify as love or hate: 1
- Books given away: 0 I think
- Books purchased: 116 😓
- #1 most loved book this year: ugh I can't choose!
- most loved fiction: Upright Women Wanted
- most loved nonfiction: Broad Band, A True Wonder, Bravo! Poems
- most loved poetry: Postcolonial Love Poem
- most loved YA: Ash, Miss Meteor, Simon &tHSA, Pride
- most loved middle grade: Catherine, Called Birdy, Starry River of the Sky, A-Okay
- most loved kidlit: A Child of Books, Planting Stories, Finding Narnia
- #1 most hated book this year: I did like some of it, but Upside Down irritated me the most
So I thought I hadn't read that much and that it was only a little bit more than the previous year, but last last year I read 27 books and this last year I read 45!!! TBH, I did count every picture book and children's book that I read (except the Frida Kahlo's parrot one), so if you remove all the picture books it drops to 37!! That's still counting middle grade books, of course. Wow! I did really good!
Here's some charts for my fellow data sluts:
I read significantly less mystery/crime (my largest percentage in 2021) as I did not find more Agatha Christies in the thrift store. The previous year my fantasy percentage was 11.1%, and I read no memoirs or biographies (!).
As usual, prose dominates. A bit less this last year, as in 2021 it was 77.8% of the pie. I did not count picture books that I read in 2021; then, my second largest slices were essays and comics (7.4% each). Slightly more than 2022's 6.5% for essay collections.
Fairly consistent reading last year, with my two lowest months both being 1 book only. My only dry spell was July. Interestingly, in 2021 my most books read month was October with 8 (all those Agatha Christies).
Author/Artist Gender: Exactly half of the authors/artists I read were/are women, while my percentage of male authors jumped 13% (I reread The Chronicles of Narnia, which is why). In 2021 I did not read any nonbinary authors/artists. Side note: there's no way to differentiate between the authors and artists, so it's kind of pointless to put author/artist. It's not like it asks for that data separately. For instance, Miss Meteor was written by one nonbinary author and one female author, and I had to mark it Other in order to not erase one of them. My other Other book is by a university. Kind of demeaning if you think about it.
Nation of Origin: US and UK are both down a bit, with a few more countries added. China is there because of Starry River of the Sky (at the time I thought it meant story origin, not book/publisher origin).
Authors'/Artists' Race/Ethnicity: My amount of authors/artists of color has really jumped! Last year it was only 3.8 percent, and now it's over a third!
Protagonists' Race/Ethnicity: Ditto for the amount of books with protagonists of color. We're getting there!
Last year I didn't include my data on queer, trans, or disabled authors/artists and protagonists because I got tired of writing the post. I'm not going to bother opening up the 2021 spreadsheet just to compare the data, but this last year:
-- 18.2% (i.e. 8/44) of the authors/artists I read were queer. This is IMO somewhat difficult to determine; quite often I had to go off of stuff like 'do they have their pronouns; husband, wife, or partner in their author bio' or just straight-up googling. Not everyone volunteers this information, and they shouldn't have to. So, that's my percentage of openly, obviously queer authors/artists.
-- 25% of the protagonists in my books were queer (LGBTQ+).
-- I read 2 trans (actually nonbinary) authors this last year, that I know of (see note at queer authors/artists). My spreadsheet chart is messed up for some reason, and I don't know how to change it. I didn't read any trans protagonists in 2021.
-- 4.5% of my books had disability representation (both books were about Frida Kahlo).
-- 2 of my books were translated from other languages (the Verne and the Cuentos books).
-- Oh, and just over a quarter of the books I read were nonfiction, while the rest were fiction.
-- A little under half the books I read were children's and middle grade, just over a third were adult, and 19.6% were young adult.
-- 4.3% of the books I read were published this year, but one is that nice edition of Persuasion and the other is the book I never finished, so IDK if they count.
-- I read slightly over a fifth (21%) of all the books I purchased this year, not counting gifts. You do not even want to know how much I spent on books this year. Book Outlet turned out to be antisemitic so I'm not shopping there ever again. This should keep this year's book spending down. However, a used bookstore just opened near me... (it's manga tho).
As always, I owe my entire life to Tirzah Price and her wonderful reading log spreadsheet. Can you believe she gives it away for free? I better repay her by buying her books for full price in an indie bookstore. Thanks queen!
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