Thursday, December 22, 2011

I've been majorly neglecting this blog. I told myself I'd blog on winter break when I had free time, but now that I am/do I don't feel like it. And that's that I have this whole list of things I wanted to write about. I guess I only feel like blogging when I have schoolwork to do.
This last quarter has been the most difficult. I'm glad it's over. So far I've been able to do most of the things I wanted to do on winter break, such as hang out with friends, read books for fun, waste the day on the internet, etc. Good stuff.

Books I've read so far:
-Jane Eyre (4.5/5 stars. If you know me, even just a tiny bit, I don't even have to explain why I love this book so much. It's basically the favorite book of every shy, introverted quiet bookworm girl. I'd actually been reading this slowly throughout the quarter on my Nook.)
-Inheritance, the 4th book in the so-called Eragon Cycle by Christopher Paolini (3/5 stars. I knew I was in for a ride when as early as the second sentence of the preface I wanted to roll my eyes. This wasn't Twilight-horrible, just derivative like the previous ones. You're better off reading the originals [aka LOTR and such].)
-Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style (3.5/5 stars. Rather enjoyable if you're the sort of person who likes style guides [I am]. Tim's voice is great in this but I get the feeling that he and his cowriter don't really get what it's like to be normal people who don't shop at Neiman Marcus.)
-The Castle in the Attic by Elizabeth Winthrop (3.5/5 stars. I remember loving this one when I read it at age nine or so. It was much shorter and basic than I remembered. The selfishness of the protagonist annoyed me.)

Currently reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Gahhh it is so good.

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