Friday, May 31, 2013

 gif by dean-pls on Tumblr

Forgive me, friend,
I wasn't searching because
I could scarcely hope to dream up
someone as wonderful as you.
Beyond all I could hope for,
past every thought of every good thing
is where you are.
It is enough to know I know you now;
It is already an embarrassment of riches.
I didn't have or deserve the knowledge
that someone like you existed;
I have enough love now to
stretch back across the lonely
pre-you years by myself.
I was always waiting for you
and didn't know it.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Things I've found in the library where I work: Things found in books 2

Sometimes you find neat things left inside books. A bound play in book form had several ads and clippings inside. The back side of one had a pin-up ad from the forties.
"I like 'Smooth' Men!" Sorry, Whisker Club.

This pamphlet was found in a different book and is about the "backstage" supporters in hospitals, such as nurses and janitors. I thought it was kinda cute.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Things I've found in the library where I work: Things found in books

There's a great blog called Forgotten Bookmarks, where people submit things they've found in books, either library or used books. This is mainly along those lines.

This made me laugh. So great. The paper's yellowing, as well as the font, indicates that this card is from several decades ago. I'm thinking mid-century, sometime before 1980 but probably after 1930.

This one was found in a religious book, I'm pretty sure, as it is a quote from SDA periodical Amazing Facts:
"God has preserved His word in miraculous ways throughout the centuries, using His faithful workers to spread the gospel even in the most dangerous times. An amazing narrative that will increase your faith for [the?] coming time of trouble." Amazing Facts Jan-Feb 2004
I'm not sure what the other text is for. "Great Deals"?

Love this. "I choose to love myself in spite of myself!"