Sunday, January 22, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

If you want something to undermine your school life/grades: try Tumblr
If you want something to destroy your emotions: try BBC's Sherlock

Sunday, January 1, 2012

El Año Viejo

The traditional songs about a new year beginning seem melancholy and seem to focus on friends (Auld Lange Syne, My Dear Acquaintance [A Happy New Year]). The only Spanish song I know of on the same subject seems happier and counting-my-blessings-y (it's a scientific term), but that may be because the rhythm is so danceable. (this version is the best I can find on YouTube. Viva Celia Cruz.)

Good things that happened in 2011:
  • I survived my first year and the first quarter of my second year of grad school
  • I started a great job
  • I got my driver's license
  • I read some great great books and saw some good movies
  • I hung out with my friends
  • I bought a new laptop
  • And a Nook 
  • I did some library volunteering in the summer
  • My brother and I bought our parents a new desktop computer
  • My parents sold our minivan
  • My little brother started college
  • My mom started a new job she likes
  • My sister studied abroad in France and Argentina (she's there now)
  • and just got engaged
  • My best friend's little girl was born, as was my cousin's second child. Babies are the best
  • Said bestie^ graduated from nursing school and passed her boards and is now an RN
  • I started this blog
  • I got involved with and learned that if a lot of people click-sign petitions, stuff actually happens. It's a start.
  • Other stuff I can't remember (these items are just in the order I thought of them)
Bad things that happened in 2011:
  • My paternal grandmother died.  This has been the hardest thing to come out of this year.
  • We just learned that my step-great-grandmother passed away too. She was my grandmother's stepmother.
  • Natural disasters all over the world of varying intensities and horribleness such as tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes and wildfires
  • Steve Jobs and Elizabeth Taylor died
  • Political crap, such as awful and/or sexist laws and the way OccupyWhatever protestors were treated. You will never convince me that it is okay to pepper-spray an 80-something year old woman in the face.
  • The State of Georgia killed Troy Davis
  • My maternal grandmother has had some worrisome medical stuff happen. She fainted twice a few weeks ago.
I was a bit worried I'd have more stuff in the Bad section than the Good, but I'm glad that's not the case. I think 2011 was somewhat better than 2010, but it still was rather difficult in parts. Here's to hoping 2012 is great.

Number of books read in 2011: approximately 139