Friday, July 26, 2013

TIFITLWIW: Don't judge a book by its cover

Book covers are very important to me. When I'm buying series, they all must have the same cover. I have the three Howl's Moving Castle books, but two have these  covers and one (the middle one, which makes it worse) has this one. It drives me nuts (I think at least one was a gift, and/or I couldn't find the last one with the proper cover and I didn't want to wait to read it). But I don't want to spend extra money to replace it. #firstworldproblems

Anyway, I came across some books with, shall we say, interesting covers.

Quick, guess what this book is about! Well, there's a sword and a flower, plus that font and color choices... Maybe it's a historical bodice-ripper romance novel? Well, I don't know about the romance, but judging by the book's Wikipedia entry, it's a historical novel about ancient Rome. It does not sound like it matches the cover at all.

Check this guy out too:

I know Chaim Potok as the author of The Chosen (I saw the movie but haven't read anything by him), so I know it's probably a great work of fiction. This cover kinda sucks though. It's just so painfully Eighties. Like, if this cover had a lady on it in addition to the pensive main guy, I'd assume it was another one of those White Couple With Tragic Love and Angst books. However, I opened it to find...
It was signed by the author. Cute this face again.

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