Friday, March 23, 2012

Bookshelf update and other things no one cares about

So I rearranged my books so they're ordered a bit better. I'm still not entirely satisfied with the way they are but my dad stashed some of my books elsewhere so I'll reorganize when I find them.
The top two shelves (fairy tales/myths/Arthurian and CSL) are the same, but the third shelf is now animals (anthropomorphic and otherwise), fantasy, and Old-Fashioned Books (this will be rearranged because I'm thinking of moving my Discworld books down there to make room for the other Gaiman books); the fourth shelf has poetry, Austen and mysteries; and the fifth has Dickens and girl/Old-Fashioned Books and other/modern.

Over three days into my spring break and I still haven't caught up with or even watched any of my TV shows. And I was just on Tumblr so I got kind of spoiled on some of them, especially Community. I need to go see The Hunger Games too, and I want to go see it with my best friend and my brother and his girlfriend (who is the one who introduced that series to us) and my dad and I doubt it will happen because it's too many schedules to coordinate. It's been just appointments and cleaning for me this week ever since I came home. Sigh.

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