Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Africa by Toto covers

"Africa", a song by the band Toto, is one of the greatest songs in the Western canon.

this music video has a weird and colonial energy but there's books and a hot librarian in it

For some reason. Toto gave their blessing to '90s has-been band Weezer to cover "Africa". Weezer has had some very nice songs I enjoyed in my youth, but their "Africa" cover does not live up to them or the original. The Weezer cover sounds like their moms are making them do it. They're preforming the song with the sulky, adequate but lackluster energy of a student in a recital they didn't actually want to do but found no way out of. Even the instrumentals have the same meh energy. Whenever I hear the Weezer cover of "Africa", I wish I were listening to the original instead.
Deeply boring music video. Weird Al Yankovic is in it and they clip his wings and reduce him to dressing up like Stephen Colbert. What's the point of having Weird Al in your music video if you don't even use him properly!!!

You may argue that the point of a song cover is not to do it exactly the same, but to bring something new, even fresh and/or exciting, to the song. Weezer does not do that either. It's like they're a wedding band forced to play some song they think they're too cool for because it was specifically requested by the bride and groom. There is no zest or joy, and not being able to find joy in Toto's "Africa" is like if the sun came up and it was a dark sun, etc.

The cover of "Africa" by the weirdly-named Ninja Sex Party is 100 times better. They have the energy and coolness necessary to do this song justice. Even the instrumentals (which are not identical to the original) are played with great energy and cheer. I enjoyed listening to this cover nearly as much as I enjoy listening to the original.
This is fine. I appreciate that they didn't go for the obvious

One thing I have noticed in the covers of "Africa" (the two above; I haven't sought out the no-doubt countless YouTube amateur covers) is that the bands covering them think that they need to sing the high part of the chorus the loudest. The high part is not the main part; it is a harmony. All vocal parts of the chorus should be sung at the same volume/force, or the high and lower parts should be but one step behind the main middle part, in a manner of speaking. The Weezer vocalists sing the middle and lower harmonies so low they are inaudible. When it comes on on the radio, I am forced to sing the middle part myself in order to at least attempt to salvage the chorus. It is very discomforting and keeps me from fully enjoying the song.

"Africa" by Toto : 5 out of 5 stars
"Africa" covered by Weezer:  2.5 stars
"Africa" covered by Ninja Sex Party : 4 stars

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Recipe: easy breezy healthiful salad

I'm pretty sure I got this recipe from HelloFresh, or possibly Pinterest. It is my favorite salad to make because there is minimal chopping.
  • garbanzo beans
  • diced or cubed cucumbers
  • corn kernels (optional)
  • avocado, diced
  • feta cheese, diced
  • drizzle of olive oil
  • lemon juice (optional)
  • salt and pepper (ground if possible)
I like to have an equal ratio of garbanzo beans, cucumber pieces, and corn if I'm using it (1:1:1).  The amount of feta cheese and avocado will depend on the amount of veggies* you have, but I definitely don't recommend overdoing it on the feta cheese. Maybe do two-thirds to half as much feta as 1 ratio** of veggies, and at least half a veggie-ratio of avocado, if not more. The size of the drizzle of olive oil will depend on how big your salad is and how oily you like things, and if you're adding lemon juice, use an amount that is roughly equal to the amount of olive oil. The salt and pepper are to taste. You can omit the feta cheese to make this vegan!

If using canned garbanzo beans or corn, drain and rinse them, then let them drip dry. You can peel the cucumbers if you prefer, then chop them up however you see fit, although I don't recommend slices, and throw them in a bowl. Cut up the avocado and feta cheese and throw that in too, along with the garbanzo beans and corn if using. Drizzle the olive oil and lemon juice (if using) and add the salt and pepper. Stir vigorously so that the avocado and feta cheese will get mushed and mix with the oil and juice. Eat.

*yes, I'm aware garbanzos are legumes and cucumbers are fruit. Also avocados are technically berries because this is a world that we have to wrest good things from. idk.
**no I don't remember how ratios work. Leave me alone.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Book review: A Life in Stitches: Knitting my way through love, loss, and laughter by Rachael Herron

Following a trend, A Life in Stitches was a dollar store find. I was kind of on the fence about it but decided to buy it since I like to knit. I am so glad I did, because I really enjoyed this book!

Rachael Herron was (is?) the author of a popular knitting blog, back when blogs were the thing, and she's been knitting since she was young. Here is the Amazon summary:
When life unravels, there’s always a way to knit it back together again, many times into something even better. Honest, funny, and full of warmth, Herron’s tales, each inspired by something she knit or something knit for her, will speak to anyone who has ever picked up a pair of needles. From her very first sweater (a hilarious disaster, to say the least) to the yellow afghan that caused a breakup (and, ultimately, a breakthrough), every piece has a moving story behind it. This beautifully crafted and candid collection is perfect for the knitter who loves to read and the reader who loves to knit.
I loved this book. Herron is a really great writer, and she's skilled at putting you right in the situation she's describing and making you feel what she felt. Despite not knowing she existed before I picked up this book, I warmed to her immediately and enjoyed the glimpses into her life. She doesn't shy away from sharing embarrassing or painful events that happened to her, and readily shares any insight she gleaned from the experiences. Herron shares stories about her family, her experiences dating and falling in love with both men and women, and how she met her wife. I loved the essay about Venice, one of her favorite cities in the world.  It really made me want to visit Venezia again.

Surprisingly, there is only one knitting pattern in this book: a pattern for a hot water bottle cozy. There are obviously tons of descriptions of different things Herron has knitted over the years. Some are seriously complex and difficult! She knitted everything in the cover picture, and has even taken up spinning (yes, like Sleeping Beauty with the wheel). This book made me want to start knitting again and look up the closest yarn shop. I would definitely recommend this book to to anyone who likes knitting or memoirs.

Score: 5 out of 5 stars
Read in: January 17
From: dollar store
Format: hardcover
Status: keeping