Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Favorite websites:

I have a bit of an obsession with this website. Threadless sells T-shirts, mainly, cool screen-print ones (as well as other clothing items and accessories). If you like the image on the T-shirt, you can often get it as an art print, iPhone case, or hoodie. Artists from all over the world contribute designs. I like that all designs are available for both guys and girls regardless of what you think the audience would be. They also have excellent customer service and fast shipping. I'd heard of them from somewhere on the Internet a while back but didn't start buying from them until a few months ago. It started when I bought my brother Ricardo this shirt (he plays the piano). He really liked it, and when I filled out a survey, Threadless sent me a coupon. I found this shirt and had to have it (it is basically me in T-shirt form). I adore it. The fabric's really soft, and it has 2 of my favorite things. I also bought my brother Jonatan this T-shirt for his bday, which he seems to have liked. When I bought his shirt I also bought myself this shirt, which is probably one of my all-time pieces of Sherlock fanart. It's like the Book of Kells meets Sherlock. Amazing. I haven't worn it because it's too hot, but it's hanging on my wall like a wearable poster. I keep having to stop myself from buying an art print since the shirt fulfills that purpose. The only thing is that, by the time I bought it, they had sold out of girls so I had to get a guy T-shirt. I don't know if it's because it's a guy T-shirt or because it's not a Select shirt like my book heart tee but the fabric feels thicker and not as soft. Anyway.
Right now they're having a sale and I'm kinda trying to decide between these $8 shirts: 1 (purple! pandas! Dia de los Muertos-type face designs, aka my heritage!), 2 (monarch butterflies are my favorite), 3 (SuperMario x the famous Magritte painting! That's 2 kinds of nerdiness), 4 (cool revamp of The Wizard of Oz)
I also like these book/library T-shirts: 1, 2, 3 (I especially like this one and hope they reprint it. IDK if it would be inappropriate for work). I also really like this one but I'm waiting for the price to drop.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Yardsale haul

  • Lentenlands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis by Douglas H. Gresham ($1)
  • Emma DVD (Gwyneth Paltrow version) ($1)
  • Amélie DVD ($1)
  • Bride & Prejudice DVD (yes, you read that right. It's the modern Bollywood retelling of P&P) (50 cents because it's just the DVD without the case)
  • Possession DVD (ditto, 50 cents)
They also had all three extended editions of the LOTR movies but I already own the normal versions (also bought from a yard sale, lol) and let's be real, I would never get around to watching the extra footage. I haven't even watched the DVD extras from the Narnia movies.  Also they had some Tom Hanks movies and I wanted to call my sister and ask her if she wanted me to get them for her but my phone died. >:[