Friday, April 26, 2013

Things I've found in the library where I work: Random book covers

#swag #plaid #palebluegrandpajeans
This cover delights me. Not sure why I like Don Knotts since I don't think I've seen anything he's in (I had to Wikipedia him), but how can you look at that face and not (like him, that is). What a swell human.

Henry James on Italy, with the most beautiful paintings of Venice and Rome and such. Haven't tried reading this one because I might burst into tears from missing Italy so much. Also pictured: my Macbook with its purple keyboard cover, some boxes.

Isn't this a lovely cover? There's awesome little medieval-type people representing the different disciplines in each round curlicue thing. I love old books.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Upon Waking

  • I cannot fly
  • I'm done with school
  • I'm home and nowhere else
  • No embarrassment has happened
  • I don't have to worry about 
  • whatever it was I was worrying about
  • I cannot see or speak to my grandmother 
  • ever again in this life
  • I am alone

Inspired by Lists for the Future

Friday, April 12, 2013

Things I've found in the library where I work: National Geographic magazines

So I've started working as a librarian in a junior college library. I'm building their library from the ground up, basically, and this involves going through all their donated books and materials. I've found some pretty neat things, which I'll highlight in this blog as a series.

Somebody donated a bunch (a couple boxes worth) of National Geographic magazines. I haven't really gone through them yet because I'm doing all the books first, but this one was amongst said books and the awesome holographic image of a hominid skull caught my eye.

Pretty sweet, right? It's the metallic rainbow-y kind that looks 3-D. I took a video of it so you could check out the neat 3-D action. Hopefully it comes out:

National Geographic Vol. 168, No. 5 November 1985

I also came across this other NatGeo mag. The guy with the condor on the cover looks a lot like the guy from The Black Keys (the one with glasses). Perhaps he's a time-traveler.

 Condor-wrangling: not for the faint of heart.

National Geographic Vol. 139, No. 8 May 1971